These are the release notes for features Syncari introduced in July 2022. If you have any questions about these items, please contact customer support.
New Features
Each month, we highlight newly released features.
Here’s the list for this month:
- Insights: Preview Release
- SFTP: Extending our Synapse capabilities
- S3: Add the ability to write CSV files
Insights: Preview Release
We announced Syncari Insights, a way to bring multi-system analytics and full funnel visibility in your GTM systems. With Syncari Insights, pre-installed dashboards are created to visualize the unified data in Syncari. These data cards pull from the existing data you have unified in your Syncari entities and present this information in a familiar, easy-to-use dashboard format.
This preview release introduces the technology to write complex comparisons between multi-system entities, visualize these items in common graphs like line, bar, column, and metric, and updates when new information enters your Syncari system. Let us know if you’d be interested in upgrading Syncari to unlock Insights.
Insights builds graphs and charts from your unified Syncari data model
sFTP: Secure File Transfer
We’ve added support to use the SFTP protocol to securely send files to remote servers that use SFTP.
The SFTP synapse allows you to send or receive files using a remote connection.
Use SFTP to send to a remote server or to read from that server
S3: Adding write capabilities
We’ve added write capabilities to our S3 Synapse. This lets Syncari write a CSV file to an S3 bucket where the S3 user has authentication to write. For example, if you have an existing import process that reads a file with new leads from S3, you can now write data from another system (like Salesforce) into a place where S3 can read it.
Minor Updates
These are some of the minor improvements we made to Syncari in July 2022:
- Reduced the data poll time for Salesforce synapse to detect changes almost instantaneously
- Made it easier to get a link to the Syncari ID in the Data Studio
- Increased speed to render the field list for large entity pipelines
- Added file preview, the ability to delete uploaded files, and auto-detection for some data types to Imported File Synapse
- We now support the CustomerDeposit object in Netsuite
- Added a behavior to allow Synapses to process all changed records using one or more batches in addition to the default behavior of one batch per Sync cycle
We also resolved some issues in the Syncari platform, including:
- The back button was temporarily disabled after checking lineage details
- A deleted Syncari record was not reflected as deleted in the record copied to Datastore
- When editing draft, configuration was unavailable for SetValue and Custom Action node
- The Insert Syncari record function was not creating indexes as expected
- When a pipeline paused for 7 days, needed additional configuration to restart
- A selected node did not delete correctly using a delete key
- Multiple node selection was not working as expected
- An index not created for a case insensitive field selection causing slow comparison
- A user was unexpectedly able to set multiple id fields with an ID data type on an entity