Install a Quick Start

Reza Farpour
Reza Farpour
  • Updated

So you've taken a look at our Quick Starts Library and have found a solution you would like to install in your instance of Syncari? You've come to the right place! Let's walk through this together.



  • Make 100% sure there are no draft versions of the Entities the Quick Start you are installing will be touching. If you do not publish or discard the existing draft(s), the Quick Start process will over-write them and you will not be able to restore them, resulting in permanent loss of any work done in the existing draft.

Log into Syncari and navigate to Sync Studio.


Under the Quick Starts tab, click Run on the Quick Start you want to install.


NOTE: We recommend you test and validate in your sandbox instance first to ensure the Quick Start you are installing plays nice with your existing pipelines and behaves as expected.


You'll first be presented with an Overview of the Quick Start. Take a moment to review the description and click Next.



The Quick Start guide will provide you the details of what Synapses will be used as well as what Pipelines will be installed in the next step. Review the details, then Confirm and Run.


NOTE: If you are missing any of the necessary Synapses for the solution you are installing, you'll be prompted to open the Synapses section and create/configure the Synapse before proceeding.

Finally, you'll see a confirmation page, you can click Finish to exit the Quick Start installer.


You should see a notification relatively quickly. Check it to confirm that your Quick Start has been installed.


At this stage, the Quick Start is not active, it exists only as a Draft. Go ahead and review the draft if you like. In this particular example, we only have an Account Pipeline draft and De-duplication rules to review.



You should start with running a few Live Tests from the draft version to ensure it's working as expected. You can then publish the draft to go-live!

As mentioned above, we recommend you run Quick Starts in a Sandbox environment first, once fully validated, then proceed to installing in your production instance.

With a few clicks and about 3 minutes of screen time, this Quick Start created an Account pipeline draft which contains dozens of draft field pipelines as well as account deduplication rules.

Now how's that for fast and easy?

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