Create a Quick Start

Reza Farpour
Reza Farpour
  • Updated

Although the main attraction in Quick Starts is to quickly and easily install complex workflows, there will come a time that you'll want to create your own.


But why would I ever want to create a Quick Start?

  • Operations: Manually re-creating a solution from Sandbox in Production introduces additional time, effort and potential for human error. Once you've created, tested and finalized a solution in Sandbox, you can leverage Quick Starts to "migrate" the solution from one instance to another. 
  • Syncari Partners: Quick Starts will help reduce repetitive work and speed up your time to implementing solutions for you customers. Win win!
  • Contribute*: You might invent and create a solution that no one has put together yet. Quick Starts will allow you, our customers, to show off your pipeline building skills and share with the rest of the customer base. (*Coming soon)

We will begin the instructions assuming you already have a working solution in Syncari that you want to create a Quick Start from.

First, let's navigate to Sync Studio.


Under the Quick Starts tab, select Quick Start Studio from the dropdown.


Click Create Quick Start.


Basic Settings

Enter a Display Name for your Quick Start and a Description of what purpose it serves.


NOTE: Tags will be searchable in the future.

Enter any Post Installation Message you want displayed and click Upload Image if you want to add a Custom icon.


We are now done configuring the Basic Settings. Click Next to continue.


Pipeline Settings

Now it's time to select all the entity and field pipelines that are necessary to the solution you are including in this Quick Start.

In my example, I want to include the entire Ticket entity as well as some fields from a few other related entities required for this Quick Start to work as expected.

Use the filter to find the entity pipeline and select it.


Now clear your entity level filter and expand the Entity you need Field Pipelines from, use the field level filter to quickly find them and select them.


Continue this process to include all the necessary Entity and Field pipelines. Click Next when done.



You now have an opportunity to review all the Entity and Field pipelines you selected for this Quick Start.

If you notice anything is out of order, you can click Previous to make corrections and then move forward again. Once you're sure everything looks right, click Next.



You now have the option to share the Quick Start you are creating with any or all instances which you have admin access to. To do so, simply find and select the instance(s) you want to share this Quick Start with and click Publish.


Congratulations! You have now created a Quick Start which can be installed into any of the instances you shared it with.


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