The Create Zendesk Ticket Action allows you to create a ticket as part of your workflow. This action is available on your entity or field pipelines.
- Enter a label for the node. This will be helpful with identifying the node when viewing your Pipeline.
- Enter a Description for the node. This is an optional field.
- Select the Zendesk Synapse
- Select from one of the Ticket Types
- Set the Priority of the Ticket
- Enter the Subject for the Ticket. Click the Insert Token option to specify the field that will be used to dynamically set the Subject to a field on the entity record. You can use a mix of text and tokens for this field.
- Enter the Description for the Ticket. Click the Insert Token option to specify the field that will be used to dynamically set the Description to a field on the entity record. You can use a mix of text and tokens for this field.