MS Dynamics 365 Setup

  • Updated

The MS Dynamics 365 Synapse enables data synchronization between MS Dynamics 365 objects and Syncari entities using the MS Dynamics 365 API. After the Synapse is Authenticated, a user can Activate the MS Dynamics 365 Synapse, which enables Syncari to replicate the schema of MS Dynamics 365 and make it available within the Unified Data Model. Using the Sync Studio, a user can map MS Dynamics 365 objects to Syncari entities, and MS Dynamics 365 fields to Syncari fields. To accelerate the setup and configuration of these pipelines, Syncari provides a default mapping for the standard objects and fields in MS Dynamics 365. 

If your Dynamics security requires you to whitelist an IP you can find that here.


MS Dynamics 365 Setup


  • Administrator permissions to access MS Dynamics 365 and Azure Active Directory

Gather Synapse Information

The following information is required to setup the MS Dynamics Synapse:

  • Dynamics CRM Organization URL (e.g. https://<organization>
  • Endpoint URL (e.g.<Directory (tenant) ID>)
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

Capture your Dynamics CRM Organization URL

    1. Login to Microsoft Dynamics 365
    2. Copy/Save your Dynamics CRM Organization URLmceclip12.png

* Leave this browser tab open


Create the Syncari Integration App in Azure Active Directory

  1. Click "Apps"
  2. Click "Admin"mceclip19.png
  3. Click "Azure Active Directory"mceclip20.png
  4. Click "Azure Active Directory"
  5. Click "App registrations"
  6. Click "New Registration"mceclip34.png
  7. Name your application: "Syncari Integration"
  8. Select the appropriate account type: (minimum requirement: Single tenant)
  9. Click "Register"mceclip35.png
  10. Copy the "Application ID"mceclip36.png

*Leave this browser tab open

You will use this "Application ID" when you create an Application User in Microsoft Dynamics 365


Create an Application User in Microsoft Dynamics 365

  1. Click the Setting "Gear" in Microsoft Dynamics 365
  2. Click "Advanced Settings"mceclip15.png
  3. Click the Settings menu dropdown
  4. Click "Security"mceclip16.png
  5. Click "Users"mceclip17.png
  6. Click "Enabled Users" menu
  7. Click "Application Users"mceclip28.png
  8. Click "New"mceclip30.png
  9. Paste the "Application ID" for your Syncari Integration App
  10. Click "Save"mceclip31.png


Finish configuring the Syncari Integration App in Azure Active Directory

  1. Click "API Permissions"
  2. Click "Add a permission"
  3. Select "Dynamics CRM"mceclip38.png
  4. Select "user_impersonation"
  5. Click "Add permission"mceclip39.png
  6. Click "Certificates & secrets"
  7. Click "New client secret"
  8. Select an expiration and Click "Add"mceclip40.png
  9. Copy/Save the "Client Secret" valuemceclip42.png
  10. Click "Authentication"
  11. Click "Add a platform"
  12. Click "Web"mceclip43.png

Enable change tracking to control data synchronization

Follow the steps on this Microsoft document to enable change tracking on each entity:

Enable change tracking for each Microsoft Dynamics Entity that will be synced into Syncari (Accounts, Contacts, Leads etc.). This configuration is needed so that Syncari can record when records are deleted in Dynamics. 


Nice work! You are ready to proceed to the MS Dynamics Synapse Setup in Syncari.


Synapse Setup

Step 1: Start by logging in to your Syncari subscription

  1. Navigate to Synapses
  2. Find MS Dynamics 365 in the Synapse Library
  3. Drag the MS Dynamics 365 Synapse to the canvas


Step 2: Configure your Synapse parameters

  1. Enter [Synapse Name]
  2. Enter [Endpoint URL] 
  3. Enter [Dynamics CRM Organization URL] 
  4. Click "Next"


Step 3: Define your authentication parameters and generate the OAuth Redirect URL

  1. Enter [Client ID]
  2. Enter [Client Secret]
  3. Click "Generate"
  4. Click "Next"


Step 4: Update your Syncari Integration App in Microsoft Azure

  1. Click "Copy"mceclip3.png
  2. Navigate back to your Azure Active Directory admin center browser tab
  3. Paste the OAuth Redirect URL from your Synapse setup into your Syncari Integration App
  4. Click "Configure"mceclip45.png

Step 5: Authenticate your Synapse

  1. Click "Authenticate"mceclip8.png

Follow the Microsoft pop-up window to complete the OAuth Authentication:

  1. mceclip9.pngmceclip10.pngmceclip11.png

Note: If you receive an "Unauthorized" error message, you may need to "Grant admin consent for in Microsoft Azure in your Syncari Integration App. Follow the steps on this Microsoft document:

Step 6: Activate your Synapse

  1. Click "Next"mceclip1.png
  2. Click "Make Synapse Active"
  3. Click "Close"


Congratulations! You have completed the setup of MS Dynamics 365.

If you receive any errors message after clicking Authenticate, confirm each of the parameters in the previous steps are configured properly. If the error persists, contact one of our Onboarding and Support team members.

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