You can delete any pipeline in Syncari, whether it's a field or entity pipeline or if it's a draft or published. You can safely delete draft pipelines without affecting published versions. If you delete a published pipeline, any associated data automation ends.
Deleting Draft Entity Pipelines
You can delete a draft entity pipeline, which also deletes any draft field pipelines in it. Be sure that you're ready to lose any draft field pipelines.
➡️ To delete a draft entity pipeline:
- In a draft entity pipeline, click the trashcan
- Click Delete.
Syncari deletes the draft entity pipeline and returns you to the published entity pipeline.
Deleting Draft Field Pipelines
You can delete a draft field pipeline, which will delete only the selected pipeline and have no effect on the entity pipeline or other field pipelines.
➡️ To delete a draft field pipeline:
- In a draft field pipeline, click the trashcan
- Click Delete.
Syncari deletes the field pipeline and returns you to the entity pipeline.
Deleting Published Entity Pipelines
You can delete a published entity pipeline, which also deletes any published field pipelines in it. Syncari will no longer sync the data in the selected pipeline.
➡️ To delete a published entity pipeline:
- In a draft entity pipeline, click the trashcan
- Enter the word DELETE exactly as shown here in all caps.
- Click Delete.
Syncari deletes the published entity pipeline and returns you to Sync Studio.
Deleting Published Field Pipelines
You can delete a published field pipeline, which will delete only the selected field pipeline and have no effect on the entity pipeline or other field pipelines.
➡️ To delete a draft field pipeline:
- In a published field pipeline, click the trashcan
- Enter the word DELETE exactly as shown here in all caps.
- Click Delete.
Syncari deletes the field pipeline and returns you to the entity pipeline.