Deleting Pipelines

  • Updated

You can delete any pipeline in Syncari, whether it's a field or entity pipeline or if it's a draft or published. You can safely delete draft pipelines without affecting published versions. If you delete a published pipeline, any associated data automation ends. 


Deleting Draft Entity Pipelines

You can delete a draft entity pipeline, which also deletes any draft field pipelines in it. Be sure that you're ready to lose any draft field pipelines.

➡️ To delete a draft entity pipeline:

  1. In a draft entity pipeline, click the trashcan icon-trash.png.
  2. Click Delete.

    Syncari deletes the draft entity pipeline and returns you to the published entity pipeline.

Deleting Draft Field Pipelines

You can delete a draft field pipeline, which will delete only the selected pipeline and have no effect on the entity pipeline or other field pipelines. 

➡️ To delete a draft field pipeline:

  1. In a draft field pipeline, click the trashcan icon-trash.png.
  2. Click Delete.

    Syncari deletes the field pipeline and returns you to the entity pipeline.

Deleting Published Entity Pipelines

You can delete a published entity pipeline, which also deletes any published field pipelines in it. Syncari will no longer sync the data in the selected pipeline.

➡️ To delete a published entity pipeline:

  1. In a draft entity pipeline, click the trashcan icon-trash.png.
  2. Enter the word DELETE exactly as shown here in all caps.
  3. Click Delete.

    Syncari deletes the published entity pipeline and returns you to Sync Studio.

Deleting Published Field Pipelines

You can delete a published field pipeline, which will delete only the selected field pipeline and have no effect on the entity pipeline or other field pipelines. 

➡️ To delete a draft field pipeline:

  1. In a published field pipeline, click the trashcan icon-trash.png.
  2. Enter the word DELETE exactly as shown here in all caps.
  3. Click Delete.
    Syncari deletes the field pipeline and returns you to the entity pipeline.
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