Creating Pipelines Manually

  • Updated

If you want more granular control over your pipelines than what Creating Pipelines Automatically offers, you can create your own. In Sync Studio you create a pipeline for entities (like Account, Contact, Lead) that establish the relationships of objects and fields between your synapses and the entities of the Syncari unified data model. Use Sync Studio to:

  • Map relationships between objects in connected synapses, like Account, Contact, Lead, etc. to Syncari entities (e.g., Account, Contact, Lead) configured by you. With your data in the unified data model, you configure how that data is checked and stored to create the unified record—the golden record.
  • Define what data to bring into Syncari and how to process it before unifying it with the Syncari unified record. You can add Syncari Functions and Actions to add granular details to how Syncari processes the incoming data to create the unified record.
  • Define how Syncari publishes the unified record to connected synapses—the destinations. You can include logic through Functions and Actions prior to sending data to the destinations.

Create a Pipeline

Pipelines are the set steps a record or field follows on its way through Syncari. Pipelines define the relationships, rules, and workflows that keep the systems you connect to Syncari in sync.

Pipelines comprise three types of nodes: Source nodes, the Syncari node, and Destination nodes.

Pipelines include functions and actions that define the rules that guide your sync to enrich, augment, normalize, transform, and enforce data authority.

➡️ To create pipelines manually:

  1. Click Sync Studio in the left nav area.
    Sync Studio shows the Syncari unified data model on the canvas.
  2. Open the entity pipeline. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click the entity.
    • Select the entity and then click Edit Pipeline in the panel on the right.
  3. Use the features in the entity pipeline to build your own. See Create Entity Pipelines, Navigating Entity Pipelines, and Interacting with Entity Pipelines for more information.
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