About Entity Pipelines

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Entity pipelines enable you to interact with the topmost part of your unified customer data model: the entities in your synapses and the unified data model. You can decide which synapses sync or exchange data with other synapses at the entity level through entity pipelines. Entity pipelines run in response to changes in the entity.

Entity pipelines include field pipelines for each field mapped to the Syncari unified data model. You can add logic at the entity level and at the field level. You can always tell whether you're in a field pipeline or an entity pipeline with a glance at the breadcrumbs. 




Open an Entity Pipeline in Sync Studio

➡️ To open an entity pipeline:

  • In Sync Studio, double-click the entity.
  • In Sync Studio, select the entity, and then click Edit Pipeline.

Draft and Publish

Syncari uses a draft and published model to separate works in progress from live, functional data flows. Each pipeline can have a published version and a draft version. The published version is the one that is currently processing records as they pass through Syncari. The draft version is the one you can make edits to. When you publish the draft, it will overwrite the current published version and start processing new and updated records.

Entity Pipelines UI Tour

What you see in the entity pipeline differs depending on whether you're looking at a draft or published pipeline. Look at the marked-up screenshots on this page to familiarize yourself with entity pipelines in Sync Studio.

Throughout Syncari we refer to the drag-and-drop working area as the canvas.

Published Entity Pipeline Overview

The published entity pipeline shows an active, running pipeline. Review this screenshot to see what you can do with a published entity pipeline. This screenshot describes only the buttons unique to a published pipeline. See Draft Entity Pipeline for most of what you can do in an entity pipeline.


  1. Pause removes the entity pipeline from the sync cycle. If paused, you can restart it with the Resume button.
  2. Use the Resync menu to see the latest sync and to force Syncari to run the sync cycle.
  3. Create Draft allows you to make changes to the pipeline in a draft version of the published entity pipeline. Working on the draft does not change the published version.

Draft Entity Pipeline Overview

The draft entity pipeline allows you to make changes to a pipeline. Review this screenshot to see what you can do with a draft entity pipeline. 

For more details on what you can do in the entity pipeline panel on the right side of the canvas, see Entity Pipeline Features later in this article


  1. Return to Sync Studio's main page.
  2. Use these buttons to navigate between draft and published versions or publish a draft pipeline (see Working with Pipelines and Publishing Pipelines).
  3. The breadcrumbs in Sync Studio show you which entity pipeline you're in. Use breadcrumbs to navigate between entities. 
  4. Save Draft is activated when you have unsaved changes. Although Syncari saves the draft automatically when you perform specific actions, we recommend saving often.
  5. Validate checks for errors in the construction of your pipeline. Syncari runs through each node one at a time to check for errors with the synapse connection, mapping, functions, and more (see Validating Pipelines).
  6. Manage Field Map opens the field mapper where you associate fields from an entity to the Syncari entity representing the unified data model (see Map Fields To and From Syncari).
  7. Test opens the test menu where you can run a variety of tests on the entity pipeline. While validation checks the construction of the pipeline, tests check the logic of the pipeline by running the pipeline on selected records (see Testing Pipelines).
  8. The trash can deletes the draft entity pipeline and any field pipelines in it.
  9. The entity pipeline panel changes based on which nodes you select in the pipeline. 
  10. This is a synapse source node for this entity pipeline. Source nodes are where data comes into Syncari.
  11. This is a function that adds logic to how Syncari processes the source node of the pipeline. Add functions from the entity pipeline panel.
  12. This is the Syncari node for this entity pipeline. The Syncari node stores data within the Syncari unified data model.
  13. This is a synapse destination node for this entity pipeline. Source nodes are where Syncari sends data.
  14. Use the slider to zoom in and out of the canvas view.

Entity Pipeline Features

The features available in the entity pipeline panel on the right side of the canvas differ based on what you've selected on the canvas.

Entity Pipeline Panel with Nothing Selected on the Canvas

Review this screenshot for how to interact with the entity pipeline with nothing selected.


  1. Functions—Select this tab to access the functions you can use within an entity pipeline (see Entity Functions).
  2. Actions—Select this tab to access the actions you can execute within an entity pipeline (see Actions).
  3. Activated Synapses—Select this tab to access the synapses that are activated in your Syncari instance. You can add these synapses to the entity pipeline.
  4. Fragments—Select this tab to access the functionality templates that you can reuse within an entity pipeline (see Fragments).

Entity Pipeline Interaction—Syncari Node Selected

Review this screenshot for how to interact with the entity pipeline when you've selected the Syncari Node.


  1. Field Pipelines—View and access the field pipelines in the Syncari entity.
  2. Merge Studio—View the current Merge Studio settings and configure your merge policies.
  3. Tags—View the tags used in the entity pipeline.

Entity Pipeline Interaction—Non-Syncari Nodes Selected

Review this screenshot for how to interact with the entity pipeline when you've selected nodes other than the Syncari Node.


  1. Configure Node—Configure the selected node.
  2. Delete Node—Delete the selected node.
  3. Node Configuration—See a summary of the current configuration.


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