Resyncing Pipelines

  • Updated

Once a pipeline is published and the sync cycle is active, Syncari will process any new or updated records for the synapse sources defined in your pipeline. This is called an Incremental Sync. This means that historical records that are not updated after publishing the pipeline will not be synced to Syncari. You can execute your pipelines on historical records with the the Resync feature. 

Important: Resync can have a significant impact on your synapse sources' API allocation. There are also other considerations for Resync relative to Actions and enrichment functions.

Best Practice: We encourage you to contact one of our Onboarding and Support team members to discuss best practices for using Resync, especially when working with multiple Synapse Sources.

➡️ To resync a pipeline:

  1. View your Published pipeline and click More ActionsResync.
  2. In the Resync window, choose one or more data sources for the resync, define the Scope for the resync, and then click Resync.
    • Consider the data authority when selecting a Source Entity.
    • You need to consider the order in which you execute the Resync process if you have configured multiple synapse sources.
    • For Scope, you can choose All Records or define a Date/Time Range based on the Last Updated date within your synapse source records


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