Azure Blob Storage Setup

Satish V
Satish V
  • Updated

The Azure Blob Storage Synapse enables data synchronization between your Azure Blob Storage container and Syncari entities. The primary use case for using this Synapse is to read/write data from/to a csv file. This Synapse can be used only as a destination in your pipelines.

Using this synapse as a destination in your pipelines will create a new CSV file in your Container/<configured_path> for each sync cycle. Each new CSV file will be written to the folder with a unique timestamp.


Azure Blob Storage Configuration

If your infrastructure requires you to whitelist an IP you can find that here.

Storage Account should have Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 hierarchical namespace enabled.

Create a Root Folder and Sub-folders in your Azure Storage Account Container

Azure blob storage schema is defined by the folders and the header names of csv files stored in each folder.

  1. Create a root folder in your container. This folder will be used with your Synapse configuration and should be exclusively used with Syncari. We recommend naming the root folder "Syncari".
  2. Create subfolders within the root folder to represent each Entity in your schema.
    Note that each folder within the "syncari" folder represents the entity that will sync into Syncari (accounts, contacts, leads etc.).
  3. Add a csv file to each subfolder where the first row includes column names that represent the field names of the entity. For example, the csv file path will look something like this : syncari_container/syncari/contacts/contacts.csv


Synapse Setup

Step 1: Start by logging in to your Syncari subscription

  1. Navigate to Synapses
  2. Find Azure Blob Store in the Synapse Library
  3. Drag the Azure Blob Store Synapse to the canvas

Step 2: Configure the synapse

  1. Enter [Synapse Name]
  2. Enter [Storage Account Name]
  3. Enter [Container Name]
  4. Enter [Directory Name] 
    • Add the name of the root folder that was created in your Azure Blob Storage here
  5. Enter [Endpoint]
  6. Choose the preferred authentication Type and click Next.

Step 3: Configure Authentication

    For SAS Token:

  • Enter [Connection String] 
    1. Enter the connection string and click on Authenticate
  • References:
    1. Link to generate connection string in Azure 
    2. Permissions needed : Read, Add, Create, Write, List, Execute

    For OAuth

  • Enter [ClientID] : Client id of the application created in azure
  • Enter [Client Secret] : client secret of the application created in azure
  • Click on Generate, it will generate a redirect url.
  • Copy the generated URL and add it to the redirect url list of the Azure App you are using. 
  • Click on Authenticate.
  • Click Next
  • References and help: 
    2. Single tenant application is needed here.
    3. Roles Needed : Storage Blob Data Contributor, Storage Queue Data Contributor


Step 4: Activate the Synapse

  1. Click "Make Synapse Active" then click "Close"

Congratulations! You have completed the setup of the Azure Blob Storage Synapse.

If you receive any error message after clicking Authenticate, confirm each of the parameters in the previous steps are configured properly. If the error persists, contact one of our Onboarding and Support team members.


What's Next?

Make sure to check out this article to learn how to designate the Id and Watermark fields for Azure Blob Store Entities.


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