Sync Studio's detail view offers you a 1000-foot view of your pipelines within Syncari. From here you can view the total counts of your pipelines, see various pieces of helpful data for each pipeline, perform related actions on individual pipelines, all while being able to filter the data to your needs and preferences.
Pipeline Summary
The Pipeline Summary shows various metrics pertaining to the states and statuses of your pipelines such as the counts of published, draft, and unmapped pipelines as well as the number of pipelines that are currently paused, running, resyncing, or in an error state.
Pipeline Detail View
The core of the Details View is the Pipeline Detail View. Here is where you can see various bits of data pertaining to each pipeline you have available to in Sync Studio. You may also perform a set of relevant actions to a pipeline within this table (the complete list of actions can be viewed in the Pipeline Actions section of this article). Here is a comprehensive summary of each column present in the Pipeline Detail View:
Column Name | Description | Functionality |
API Name | The unique identifier given to the entity pipeline. | - |
Name | The display name of the entity pipeline. | Clicking on the display name will take you to the draft of the pipeline if it exists, or to published / unmapped pipeline if a draft doesn't exist. |
Pipeline Status |
The current status of a pipeline. Shows if the pipeline is published, has a draft, or is unmapped. | Clicking on any of the badges will take you to the corresponding pipeline. |
Pipeline State | The current state of the published pipeline. Shows statuses such as Paused, Running, etc... | - |
Current Activity | The last completed sync step the pipeline has performed. | If the pipeline is published, then clicking on the current activity will reveal the full Sync Details for the pipeline. |
Last Completed Sync | The timestamp of when the last completed sync cycle occurred. | - |
Transactions in Last Cycle | The number of transactions processed in the last completed sync cycle. | Clicking on the transaction count will navigate you the transaction log with the results filtered to the entity corresponding to the pipeline. |
Last Cycle | The duration of the last completed sync cycle. | - |
Sources | A list of sources that the pipeline is connected to. | Clicking on a source will navigate you to the corresponding entity in Data Studio. |
Destinations |
A list of destinations that the pipeline is connected to. | Clicking on a destination will navigate you to the corresponding entity in Data Studio. |
# Fields Mapped |
The number of fields pipelines that exists for a the entity pipeline. | - |
# Versions |
The number of versions that exist for a pipeline. | Clicking on the versions count will navigate you to the versions tab for entity pipeline in Sync Studio. |
Merge Config |
Shows whether or not the merge configuration has been set up for the pipeline. | - |
Last Modified On |
The timestamp of when the pipeline was modified last. | - |
Last Published |
The timestamp of when the pipeline was published last. | - |
Last Modified By | The name of the user who last modified the pipeline. |
- |
Actions | The actions that can be performed on a pipeline. |
See the next sections for the list of actions for each pipeline. |
Pipeline Actions
For each row in the Pipeline Detail View, there is a menu in the right most column that contains the actions that can be performed on a pipeline. The actions that are available to you are dependent on both the state and status of the pipeline. The following table is a comprehensive list of every possible action available for each pipeline with their status requirements:
Pipeline Action | Description | Published | Draft | Unmapped |
Publish | Publishes the pipeline draft. | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ |
Pause | Pauses the current pipeline if it running / queued. | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Resume | Resumes the current pipeline if it is paused / pausing. | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Go to Pipeline | Navigates to the published pipeline. | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Go to Draft | Navigates to the pipeline draft. | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ |
Create Draft | Creates a pipeline draft. | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
Manage Field Map | Opens the Field Map panel to browse / add mappings. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Resync | Resyncs the currently published pipeline if it is not currently resyncing. | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Cancel Resync | Cancels the resync if it currently resyncing. | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Delete Draft | Deletes the current pipeline draft it one exists. | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ |
Delete Published Pipeline | Deletes the current published pipeline if it exists. | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Delete Entity | Deletes the entity from Syncari. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Filtering the Pipeline Detail View
You are able to filter the data present in the Pipeline Detail View though either the Search Input or the Filter Panel.
Search Input
The search input allows you to filter the table by either the Name (Entity) of the pipeline or the API name of the pipeline. The search is not case sensitive and works alongside the filters applied in the filter panel.
Filter Panel
The filter panels offer you more granular options as to what pipelines you would like to see in the Pipeline Detail View. The filters offered in the panel are the following:
- Pipeline Status - allows filtering by pipeline status; this includes draft, published, or unmapped pipelines
- Pipeline State - allows filtering by pipeline state; this includes pipelines that are running, paused, resyncing, pausing, or queued
- Source - allows filtering by the sources present in your pipeline
- Destinations - allows filtering by the destinations in your pipeline
It's important to note that the filters applied in the panel work as an OR operation. For example, if you were to select both published, running, and queued from the Pipeline Status and Pipeline State sections then the table would have rows that contain pipelines that are either published OR running OR queued.
When a filter is active in the pipeline panel, then a small blue dot will be present on the Filter Panel button.