Once you author a custom action and publish the draft, you can choose to share it with other instances within your subscription. Once shared, the other instances can see the custom action in Sync Studio -> Actions library. They can be used like all other actions in a pipeline.
Share with Organization
To share it with all instances in the org, go to Action Studio and click on the kebob for action you want to share. There is a Share option in the dropdown. Upon selecting it, a right panel appears with a checkbox to share. It is unselected by default.
First Time Installation
When the action is shared with other instances, below is how it gets installed and available for access. Let us take an example of sharing A1 from Instance1 to all other instances in the subscription. For simplicity lets say the subscription only has 2 instances - Instance1 and Instance2
- When the author shares the action to other instances in the org, the action is instantly visible to the other instance in the Action library. In this case A1 is instantly visible to users in Instance2.
- Once ANY user in Instance2 visits sync studio, A1 is automatically installed in Instance2. A copy of the original action is made local to Instance2. A1 would continue to show in Action library from this point on, irrespective of the A1 being shared or unshared in Instance1
- If no user in Instance2 visits sync studio, there is no local copy made in Instance2 and if the author unshares A1, A1 would no longer be visible in Instance2 Action library.
Updates to Shared Action
If a shared action is edited by the author and published, the edits follows the same pattern as first time copy.
- When the author edits the shared action A1, it is instantly visible to users in Instance2.
- Once ANY user in Instance2 visits sync studio, edits to A1 is automatically installed in Instance2. Note : The pipelines using previously installed A1 does not get the changes automatically. If you want the new changes to take effect in the pipeline, create a draft of the pipeline, remove A1 node from the pipeline and add A1 from library.
- If no user in Instance2 visits sync studio, the edits are not carried over until a user visits Instance2 sync studio.