Delete External Record

Varsha Neelesh
Varsha Neelesh
  • Updated


What does it do?

This action can be used in a pipeline to delete a record from connected external system using the provided external record id. Supports tokens for the id.

Screenshot 2023-09-26 at 1.35.26 PM.png


Action Configuration

Configuration Description

This is the synapse from which records need to be deleted.


Delete records in the selected entity. This entity does not need to have a pipeline. 

Record Id

The id of the external record that needs to be deleted. You can use the token picker to select the field that contains the id.


Action Response

You can also access the response using the token

{{Action Result From <node label>}}

The status can be accessed as

{{Action Result From <node label>.isSuccess}}

The errors can be accessed as

{{Action Result From <node label>.errors}}
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