Intercom Entities Supported

Harsha Dinesh
Harsha Dinesh
  • Updated

Entity Operation Matrix

This matrix provides entities supported by the Syncari Intercom Synapse and operations supported on them.

Name Create Update Delete Read Delete Write Merge

Live Test by Id

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Contact required-table (1).svg required-table (1).svg required-table (1).svg required-table (1).svg Non native required-table (1).svg required-table (1).svg
Company required-table (1).svg required-table (1).svg required-table (1).svg required-table (1).svg Non native required-table (1).svg required-table (1).svg
Custom Objects              


Non native merge operation involves a combination of delete losers and update (or create) winners.


Schema Support

This table provides information on the Schema operations that are supported for Syncari Intercom Synapse.

Entity Read Schema Read Custom Fields Create Object Create Custom Field Delete Custom Field
Custom required-table (1).svg required-table (1).svg      
Company required-table (1).svg required-table (1).svg      
Custom Objects          


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