Sharing Dashboard

Varsha Neelesh
Varsha Neelesh
  • Updated

There are many occasions where external users require dashboard access without having a Syncari login. This is now possible with dashboard sharing capability in insights. The external users get a view only access to dashboards shared with them. 


How To Share

To share the dashboard use the 'Share With' option in the dashboard kebob, which is available on the published dashboard only.

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Add multiple email addresses which get an email invite with a link to the shared dashboard. The sharing can be configured with an expiry date optionally.

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The details of already invited users can be found under sharing details. It gives insights on invitation status and expiry date. Users can also extend/shorten the expiry if needed. Once the dashboard is expired, external users who previously had access to the shared dashboard will no longer have access.

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Accessing Shared Dashboard

The external users get an instant email with a link to the dashboard. Using the password provided in the email, users view the dashboard. All of the datacard variables are available for users to customize as per their need.

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When multiple dashboards are shared with an external user, the user sees all of the dashboards they have access to in the dashboard switcher dropdown.

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You can control what email domains can the dashboard be shared with. Whitelist only select domains if you choose in the Insights settings area. Once the email domains are whitelisted, Syncari users can only invite email addresses belonging to these domains. This setting is available only to users with org or instance admin roles.


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