Using the Find in List Function

Reza Farpour
Reza Farpour
  • Updated

Syncari offers a multitude of functions that can be used to build your data pipelines.


Find in List


  • ❌️ Entity Pipeline: No
  • ✅️ Field Pipeline: Yes


The Find in List function has two main purposes. You can use it to find values in a list using filter criteria of your choice, or find values based on position.

Noteworthy Facts

  • The input of this function, must be a list of values.
  • The first position in a list is referred to as position 0.

Usage - Position

  1. Display Label: Enter the name you want to give this function on the canvas.
  2. Description: Enter a few words to remember what this functions purpose is in your pipeline.
  3. Filter Condition: Select Position and define the filter criteria.


Position - Greater Than - 4

  • Input [value01,value02,value03,value04,value05,value06,value07]
  • Output [value06,value07]

Usage - Value in List

  1. Display Label: Enter the name you want to give this function on the canvas.
  2. Description: Enter a few words to remember what this functions purpose is in your pipeline.
  3. Filter Condition: Select Value in List and define the filter criteria.


Value in List - Contains - Int

  • Input [internet,basketball,Interesting,table,round]
  • Output [Interesting]

NOTE: the Contains operator is case sensitive.

Output Tokens

{{RecordCount From <node-label>}} This token will output the total count of values that qualified in the search. Example: 3.

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