Webhook Notifications

Dave Wilks
Dave Wilks
  • Updated

Webhook error notifications let you send messages to other computer systems when an error occurs in Syncari. You may set up multiple notifications according to the schedule and type of notification you are sending.


View Configured Webhook Notifications

You can view webhook notifications configured in Syncari in Settings on the Webhook page in Notifications. You can view details about each notification, including:

  • URL—The webhook URL configured to receive the notification.

  • Notification Type—The types of error notifications the webhook receives.

  • Status—Whether the webhooks notification is actively sending notifications (Active) or not (Inactive).

To see the Webhook page, go to Settings>Notifications>Webhook.


Configure Webhook Notifications

Configure webhook notifications to define which URL receives error notifications, which notifications they receive, and how often they receive them.

➡️ To configure webhook notifications:

  1. Go to the Webhook page in Notifications (Settings>Notifications>Webhook).

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter the Name and Description of the webhook notification.

    • Name—Add a required name for the webhook notification that appears in the summary table on the Webhook page. The name must be unique.

    • Description—Add a brief description of the webhook notification.

  4. Configure the Endpoint with the details of your webhook HTTP request:

    1. Select the HTTP method. The most common method is POST, though you may need to use PUT or PATCH, depending upon your implementation.

    2. Following the method, enter the webhook URL.

    3. Optionally expand Header/Body to add one or more Header messages to authenticate your webhook or send additional information to the system receiving your message.
      Note: You cannot edit the message body at this time.

  5. In Notification Type, select one or more error notification choices: Pipeline, Synapse, or Sync.

  6. In Status, manage the activation of the webhook notification. Active webhook notifications will receive notifications, but Inactive ones will not.

  7. Select a Schedule choice. For Real-time schedules, the configured URL will receive a message as soon as an error occurs. Syncari sends a digest of error notifications for the other options at the selected interval.

  8. Click Save.

Edit Webhook Notifications

You can change the name and description of a webhook notification, update the endpoint, add or remove notification types (e.g., Pipeline, Sync, or Synapse), activate or deactivate it, and update the schedule.

➡️ To edit a webhook notification:

  1. Go to the Webhook page in Notifications (Settings>Notifications>Webhook).

  2. Click Edit in the Actions column.

  3. Make your changes, and then click Save.

Testing Webhook Notifications

You can send test webhook notifications. Syncari sends a test message to confirm your it can receive notifications.

Note: To test webhook notifications you need a working webhook destination. If you don’t have one available in your application, use a site like webhook.site or typedwebhook.tools. These sites provide temporary URLs to receive webhook notifications.

➡️ To test webhook notifications:

  1. Go to the Webhook page in Notifications (Settings>Notifications>Webhook).

  2. Click Edit in the Actions column.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and expand Test Email.

  4. Click Send Test.

The Response tab shows the result of the test. If you receive an HTTP 200 response (i.e., "statusCodeValue": 200), the endpoint received the notification successfully.


Delete Webhook Notifications

Deleting a webhook notification removes it from the Webhook page, and the configured endpoints will no longer receive notifications.

➡️ To delete a webhook notification:

  1. Go to the Email page in Notifications (Settings>Notifications>Email Group).

  2. Click Delete in the Actions column.

  3. Click Yes on the verification.

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