Creating and Managing Dashboards

Dave Wilks
Dave Wilks
  • Updated

You can create dashboards for any of your data visualization needs. When you’re satisfied, publish the dashboard to share with your organization. If you need to make changes, create a draft of the published dashboard, make changes, and publish the updates.

Dashboards are composed of data cards and data sets, so you’ll need to configure those before building your dashboards. You can add either data cards or data sets to a dashboard to create up to three columns of data cards.

If you should be able to create a dashboard and can’t, have your Syncari admin check your permissions and be sure to include Can create dashboard, Can create datacard, and Can create dataset.

Creating Dashboards

When you create a new dashboard, Syncari provides a dashboard canvas in Draft mode that you can use to build the dashboard. Publish the dashboard when you’re satisfied with the visuals.

To create a dashboard:

  1. Click New from any current dashboard.

  2. Complete the New Dashboard pane on the screen's right side.
    Display name—The dashboard Display Name appears in the list of dashboards, so make sure it’s descriptive.
    API name—Syncari generates the API name based on the Display Name. You can change it, but make sure that it contains no spaces. We also allow underscores (_).
    Description—Enter an optional description of the dashboard.
    Tags—Enter tags one at a time and press enter after each tag name.

  3. Click Create.
    Syncari opens a new dashboard in Draft mode.

  4. Start adding data cards to your dashboard. You can:

    • Create a new data card—Click Add a new card in the menu or on an empty canvas, or click Add new card in the dashboard menu. When finished, drag it to the dashboard. To see the detailed steps go to Creating and Managing Data Cards.

    • Create a new data set—Click the Data Sets tab in the panel, and then click New. When finished, drag it to the dashboard. To see the detailed steps go to Creating and Managing Data Sets.

    • Drag existing data cards or data sets to the dashboard. See Creating and Managing Data Cards for specific steps.

  5. Lay out the data cards. You can drag data cards on the canvas, or drag the resize handle to change the size of the card.

    move-and-resize (1).gif
  6. When you’re ready to share the dashboard with your organization, click Publish in the dashboard menu, and then click Publish again when prompted.

Updating Dashboards

When you update existing dashboards to edit, add, or remove data cards. When updating gthe dashboard, you’ll work with a draft. Other users in your organization can still see the published version of the dashboard. When you publish the draft, it replaces the already published version.

Note: You can delete the draft dashboard. Click the kebab menu kebab.png, and then select Discard draft.

When updating dashboards, you can:

  • Update Settings (Display name, Description, and tags)

  • Add or edit data cards

  • Remove data cards from the dashboard

Update Dashboard Settings

You can update the Display name, Description, and Tags, but cannot update the API name.

To update the data card settings:

  1. Click Create Draft in the dashboard menu.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Make your changes, and then click Save.

Add Data Cards

Be sure to review Creating and Managing Data Cards when adding data cards.

  1. Click Create Draft in the dashboard menu.

  2. Start adding data cards. You can:

    • Click Add a new card in the canvas.

    • Click Add new card the dashboard menu.

    • Click New in the Data Cards panel.

    • If you already have data cards, you can drag them from the Data Cards panel.
      See Creating and Managing Data Cards for detailed steps.

Edit Data Cards

To edit a data card:

  1. Click Create Draft in the dashboard menu.

  2. Click the kebab menu kebab.png for the data card you’d like to edit, and then select Edit card.

  3. Make your changes using the data card wizard, and the click Save & Finish on the final screen. For details about the data card wizard, see Creating and Managing Data Cards .

Remove Data Cards from the Dashboard

To remove a data card:

  1. Click Create Draft in the dashboard menu.

  2. Click the kebab menu kebab.png for the data card, and then select Remove from dashboard.

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