Review this list of terms to be sure that you understand how important words relate to Insights.
A custom name used to identify a field, usually to differentiate between similarly-named fields. Syncari creates a default alias using the entity name and field name. For example, account:name is the alias for the name field in an account entity.
Look for aliases in data cards that don’t have the required data to show the visualization.
Bar Visualization
A data card showing one or more series of data as a bar.
Blend data
blending is a method of joining data sets via a foreign key, such as using an ID or a common value like an email address.
Calculated field
A field created for a data set that uses an aggregate function (e.g. SUM or COUNT) or a non-aggregate function (CONCAT or TO_CHAR)
A dashboard is a collection of data cards organized in three columns of information.
Data Card
Data cards visually represent the information and data (e.g., metrics, reports, or trends) you can access in Syncari.
Data Set
Data sets are queries against the data in Syncari, or other data sets. They drive the data card dashboard visualizations. You can create data sets for a single visualization or multiple data sets that you can use in other visualizations.
Data Store
When pipelines run, Syncari copies data into the data store so that data sets, data cards, and dashboards have refreshed information available for reporting. Filter
Filtering uses conditions to determine which records should be included in a data set.
Draft status
When making changes, data sets, data cards, and dashboards begin in a draft state and are published when they are ready for viewers.
Groups in a data set provide a method of counting data by categories, such as counting all items or making a list of items by type.
Limit sets an absolute limit for the number of records returned in a data set.
Line visualization
A data card showing one or more series of data as a line.
Metric visualization
A data card showing a single value.
Published Status
Dashboards must be published to appear to end users.
Sort specifies the ascending or descending sort that you can apply to records in a data set.
Table visualization
A data card showing one or more columns in a table view.
The Timegrain data type allows you to group and filter DATETIME and DATE fields by various time intervals, including second, minute, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly.
A variable in a data set may be used to set defaults for data card authors or to constrain data cards to show certain records. A variable in a data card may be used to allow dashboard viewers to select among options for a data card.
If variables in a data set are required, they must be filled with a value to display the data properly in a data set, data card, or dashboard. If variables in a data card are required, they must be filled with a value to display the data properly in a data card or dashboard.
If variables in a data set are updatable, a data card author may choose to change these values. If variables in a data card are updatable, a dashboard viewer may change them.